Friday, August 26, 2011

Darkness to Brightness

What was Darkness ?

What I see yesterday was really very dark ..

Yesterday ..

The sky was dark ..

Yesterday ..

The scene was dark ..

Yesterday ..

The people was dark ..

Everything went dark too ..

What was in my mind ?

I blamed God ..

"God, why you wanna do this ??"

I though after I went to His house ..

Everything will turn colourful ..

But no ..

I was wrong ..

Darkness came even darker than before ..

What was in my mind ?

I blamed God again ..

"God, why you wanna do this ??"

When I'm serving to God ..
I felt like bowing down and CRY OUT LOUD !

But I can't..

I don't wanna show my poker face ..

But after awhile ..

When I'm alone ..

I finally know what God is trying to tell me ..

What was in my mind ?

"God, what do you wanna tell me ??"

Suddenly ..

There's a calling ..

" Michelle "

" Michelle "

Was that me ?

I don't know ..

It's from God ..

"God, are you searching for me ?"

"God, are you missing me ?"

Finally I know why was my day full of darkness ..

God broken my day so He will heal my day ..

"God, You're finding me :')   "

When I know this ..

I was heading back home ..

Everything went colourful because of God ..

Everything I saw ain't black and white ..

It's full of colours

Full of JOY



You've been searching for me ..

I'm sorry ..




Thursday, August 25, 2011

Awesome 20 August ♥

Guess what ??

What's so special about today ??

Today is one of God's creation's Birthday :)

Who is she .. ?


One night before my birthday ..

I'm watching my favourite Taiwan artist series ..


Then suddenly ..

My brother, Jeson Huang called me ..

You know what he said ?? hahahah ! xD

"Eh eh eh .. 1 minutes before 12am .. We don't talk first .."

Then we both really silence and that's very akward and FUNNY ! XD

Then after 1 minutes ..


That's the sad part .. 

I'm happy that  I'm full 15 years old already

but the way they wishes me make me feel like I'm getting older and older T.T


I'll get use to it xD

Then the 2nd person who called me is my sister ALICIA CHONGGG :D

Hahahaha I felt very touched ..

The one surpise me most is the 3rd person


Hahahha it's kinda surprising that He'll called in the middle of the night ! 

Thanks duckie ^^

And then the 4th one is SANDRA, XIANG LING !!!!!

Happy to hear from you oh Xiang Ling ^^ 

The day next, as in 20 August ..

I went to school .. 

My classmates start to wish me Happy Birthday ..

My babee, Chjing Chjing gave me her present ..

Then Joleen also gave me hers ..

She woke up early just to cook 15 hotdogs for me ..

That's very touching :')

Then when it's first recess ..

I'm finding Carmen but she's not there .. 

So I went out and talked to all my friends who blessed me ..
 Suddenly Bx Lee closed my eyes and they all sang birthday song for me ..

When I opened my eyes and turned around ..

Cassandra helding a big card and Carmen is helding a WHITE CHOCOLATE CAKE !!!

I'm really suprised and very touched !!!

I never felt so love before :')

Then we all ate the cake ..

Then after band practice then also sang birthday song for me :)

Then at cell group ..

In the middle of the cell ..

Esther suddenly said her eyes was very painful ..

Then she went out followed by Kimmie ..

When Chinese Tea was praying ..

Suddenly Kimmie came in and Esther was helding a chocolate cake ..

Oh sweet Eddie !!

It really surpised me !

Then I wishes my birthday wishes then I blew the candless ..

Then Jeson Huang called me to sit in the middle and closed my eyes ..

The all started to say something about me one by one ..

I started to cry cause it's very touching ..

Before youth, many people gave me their presents like

♥ Garrr, Sista Alicia, Stephie, Easter, Melvin Wong, Nelson Chai ♥

Some blessed me and gave me hugss ^^
Then after youth ..

Kimmie and Jeson suddenly dragged me inside the hall ..

Then she told me that her brother was gonna killed her grandmother and I was like OH MY GOWSH ??

But then suddenly Carmen was helding a BIG SPONGBOB !!!!


I was so shocked !!! 

[Me and my family - E6]

 [My yellow world ♥]

 [Thank you everyone for the wishes]
[Love you Cassandra ]

Father Lord, 

I'm really grateful to be in your kingdom 

And I'm grateful to have all this wonderful people ..

I felt a lot of love when I'm with You ..


Really thank you for everything ..

I know that You love me very much and God,

I love you very very very much too ♥

You're my Healer, my Saviour and my Creator ..


Join God's Fellowship ♥