Monday, January 09, 2012


  Last Saturday ( 7.1.2012 ) was the Breaking Jericho! IT IS TOTALLY A.W.E.S.O.M.E. ! 
  First in my cell group, I was late because my grandpa's car was broke so I have to wait my mum to go to shop so my dad can come back and fetch me to kyrugma. I reached kyrugma at 5:10pm I was half and 10 minutes late for cell group. When I went in, they're playing 'Blinking Mafia'. They're so high! :D Then Esther lead worship and I played the guitar (Oh yea, I start playing guitar in cell when we multiply cell group. Now I'm in E3 as in Cheryl's cell group). The feel is good! Then PRAISE REPORT! They're also very excited for it. Then Cheryl shared the words. Then it's my turn to lead the Question part. Did I mention I didn't prepare? I DIDN'T! It was a mess but luckily Cheryl cover me. Then after we dismissed we pray for Cheryl as she's the MC of the night. It was her first time. 

  Then prayer meeting. I can tell you before the celebration start the atmosphere was already built up in prayer meeting! The atmosphere was so strong of God's present! Then Cheryl started to MC then worship. Cheryl is really a good MC :) She did great in her first time! Calvin, Sandra and Jeson were the speaker of the night. It was okay I guess. There's one thing we march around the kyrugma seven times. Then we go back to worship we all keep on praying, shouting out to God for breaking our Jericho! It was so strong :')

  Then we have a lot of pictures, I can show you some photos :)

Come and Join us in Eklektos Celebration!


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