Saturday, October 29, 2011


  Today is the Night of Worship (NOW) .. The dress code is Supa Forma ! Everyone is so pretty and handsome, but God is most beautiful of all! :D We worship none stop .. In the middle after Calvin prayed, we sat in cell groups and in circles.. Then Calvin called each cell member out to tab on people's head when Calvin said a statement and it matches to the people .. Seriously I got alot of tabs .. I felt love! At first when Calvin said each statement, in my head I'm like 'No..That's impossible..I didn't do this this this to anyone' But in the moment I'm thinking this, someone tabs my head.. My heart really melted! I cried :') I thank God for these wonderful people! :)) I thank God that I touched people's life, I involve in people's life :)) Thank you,God!

  Then we prayed together strongly! We doesn't cares about the distractions, we doesn't cares about how people wears, we only cares about what God is thinking just now! We are all focusing on God! The best thing about tonight is that we are gathering together, not to wear our best, not to show our best, is the worship one God! Like Calvin said, 'We only worship one God,' God that can heal the blind, God that heal the lame and God that love us so mush that He gave His one and only Son to die on the cross for us-sinners .. What can we do to repay? Nothing can repay :) Therefore! Go make disciple of all nation! Like it said in the Bible! :) 

  Father Lord who sit in Heaven, I really thank you for the wonderful people that have involve in my life :) That let me know You more and more, they draw me closer to You, Lord, I really wanna give you thanks! I pray that Lord You will bless them Lord! Blessed to the people who love you as well Lord! They have been serving for You Lord even some of them may have exams but they still come to You with a faithful heart. Lord, I pray that You will light up the way, to show them the right path to You Lord! Open up their heart Lord, open their eyes as well, to differentiates good teaching and bad teaching! Lord, bless them Lord. All this I ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

  Wonderful people are not from their parents, is from God :)

They are all awesome! 

They are part of my life!

Thank you Lord Jesus!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Time Really Flies :)


  It has already been a MONTH and I still having my last paper tomorrow .. Tomorrow we're taking Mathematics Paper 1 & 2 :) MY FAVOURITE SUBJECT OF ALL :D Hahaha .. I can't wait till the last minutes of the exam ! I think I'll turn my table and throw it into the sky and I will run away like nobody cares ! xD I'm just joking ._. Well, Easter said, 'After exam I don't know what to do already' I really agree ! We have a lot of things we wanna do until the minute it comes and we don't know what to do ! :O Seriously ! It's true !

  So yeah .. I don't know what I can said already ! Oh ya I found my cable .. It's in my Mercedez car o.o So yeah .. Hahaha that's all hehe .. I will write more about my holidays in here ! Byee :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Let's pray for this world

  This is such a good experience for me .. Just now I accompany my youngest sister-Annabel Kok, to her school .. The reason why I accompany her is .. 'Long long long and not so long ago, I don't really know what happened but I heard my mum said that Annabel don't wanna go school anymore, then I ask her, "Bell, why you don't wanna go to school?" She said got people in school bully her, have teacher in school scold her.. "WHAT?! WHO DARE TO TOUCH MA SISTER ?!" ' So, that's the background story .. As I accompany her, I can felt that she's going somewhere not save, going somewhere she felt strange .. I'm very worry to see my sister like that :((

  Hmm .. I'm observing the kindergarden's teacher .. To tell the truth, they're really rude to children >< I didn't really act like I care at there, I act like I don't know what happened but in my heart .. 'OH MY ! How dare you treat little children like that? ' Then, when one of a teacher coming out from the door, my sister start afraid and eyes full of tears.. Wow, maybe that's the teacher who scold my little sister .. Hmm she started to be very afraid and she said 'I wanna go home D':' That really melt my heart .. My poor sister :((

  This world is starting to be very cruel and bad .. These picture is the prove :((

  I'm really very disappointed in this world .. If I have the power, I really wanna change the world .. My friends all says 'Stop dreaming MK ! This is impossible' But what I though is NO! Nothing is impossible when I believe in God :) If I search for the Lord, I believe Lord will give me the strength to do what I wanna do :) 

  Do you really wanna see the world to become mean, become cruel ? No right ? I don't wanna have war, I don't wanna see friends with enermy .. No no ! I don't want ! We must pray hard for this world ! Not even this world, other world as well .. Pray for the spaces ! Everything is counted as God's creation .. We must protect God's generations ! 

Com'on guyss !! Let's all pray together !! :))


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Here comes the 'BEST'

  There's been almost a month I didn't really blog ! All thanks to my OneMonthMajorExam ! Yeah right .. Today, the second exam just finish ! But the 'BEST' comes the last .. UEC MAJOR EXAM .. I can tell you that this exam is MONTERIC CRAZY ! I'm seriously not joking ! Yeah, but i'm not afraid .. Coz the Lord is with me ! :)) This post is gonna be short coz I dunno what to say already :/ I don't wanna add something happy into something not happy .. It's Physics ! @@ So yeah .. Hahaha Lord is with me ! :D

Saturday, October 08, 2011

What's pass, it's past :)

'Sorry parents .. Sorry church .. Sorry friends .. And SO SORRY GOD !
I've disappointed you all' :'(
  Okay .. Why will I say that ? Urgg !! Of course ! Major exams ! You know yesterday is a holiday for PMR-ers to have a rest.. well.. there are three days but my point is .. Yesterday as I'm resting at home by playing The Sims on Facebook ... Oh ya By the way, THE SIMS SOCIAL ROCKS !! Add me as your neighbours please ! xD Okay as I was saying .. Playing The Sims Social on Facebook, Carmen called me and said 'Hey! Do you want the answers for PMR Sejarah' And I said 'Oh okay. Sure' As I'm marking, my mood slowly drop, my faith slowly drops and guess what ? NO DON'T GUESS ! I won't share my results here == But I can tell you that it's not good .. NOT GOOD AT ALL !! :'(

  Then I asked my mum whether I can go to Carmen's house .. The reason I wanna go because 1. To play The Sims 3 on PC !!! xD 2. To brighten up my day? 3. Because I'm boring ==  Okay that wasn't my point too ..
  Gosh .. My blog is getting boring-er and boring-er @@ .. I'm kinda speechless person.. I don't know how to start a topic so ya .. DON'T FORCE ME TO DO SOMETHING I'M NOT GOOD AT IT >< Seriously :] .. I am who I am what ? :) That .. wasn't my point too .. OKAY ! This post is getting pointless .. So yeah .. 

  My point is .. What's pass, it's past :) Stephanie told me this 'DON'T LET CIRCUMSTANCES SHAKEN YOUR FAITH!' She called me shout out loud yesterday! It helps :) Really ! Thanks Stephanie ! ♥ Although my results ain't good but .. PMR results can't judge a person .. So if whoever tried their best, I'm sure God can see it :) God will bless you with something you couldn't expected ! So yeah .. Haha

PMR-ers ! Good Luck in the following exams !

Sunday, October 02, 2011



  Gowsh ! Three exams coming right up and I don't even scare ! Gowsh ! Is this how should I act ? @@ Obviously not >< Hahaha Okay .. I don't like exam .. Government is just making the world end earlier ! They're wasting the paper and they have to print hundreds, thousands, millions or BILLIONS of paper for ALL PMR-ers .. That super MONSTERIC scary @@ ..

  Oh well .. I didn't really get to interact with my books @@ Seriously .. Camilla keep on say 'Michelle, why are you so steady ?' I'm like 'What what? Oh okay O.o' Okay that's not my point .. My point is .. I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL ! What am I thinking ? Fun? Holiday? That's too fast >< .. You know a lot of people says 'Appreciates school life.. Trust me :) ' I'm like 'SCHOOL LIFE? It's like living in dungeon SERIOUSLY ! I love to go school not because of studies, is because of my friends :D Get to have fellowship with them, chit-chat with them .. I love sosial-ing with people :) But I'm a lil shy sometimes ><

  You know .. I hate temptations >< A lot of distraction keep on distracting me from my books T.T .. Outing with youths ♥, hang-out with them, having fun with them ♥ That's what I want ! I really love, enjoy being with them .. They're my family :') But URGG !! Major Exams !! I hate you PAPER ! :'(


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