Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Being a Christian is so AWESOME weird ♥

  Jeson lent me a book titled 'WEIRD'. I'm telling ya, I've only read few pages and it already change my thoughts ! How powerful is God's book? :D

  Being a Christian is so weird! The Bible says Love you enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. OMGowsh! Will you love those who always bully you? No right? Will you do good to those who hate you? No right? Will you bless those who curse you every time? No right? Will you even pray for those who mistreat you? Absolutely NO ! It's normal :) We sinners are all normal. This also means that God, ain't normal! He's totally WEIRD! Weird Weirder WEIRDEST ! Normal people usually do something that's normal, like be in a relationship, drink alcohol, go out in the middle of the night, make their parents worry, fail their subjects like nobody cares, etc .. Well, that's normal :) But if you walk in God's path, it ain't the same! If your friends ask you to hang out on Saturday night, you have to say 'Sorry! I have youth celebration on Saturday night' WHAT? Since when you're going to church? Since when you become so holy? Well, normal people do ask normal answer :) Lots of people may face these kinds of questions, I know because I do too! I face these kinds of questions A MILLION TIMES ! Well every time my friend ask me, I try to explain why am I becoming like this. My friends told me 'I'm not comfortable with you becoming like this, you're so WEIRD. I rather wants the old you.' Get it? you're so WEIRD. Do you see that? Weird! I'm weird! And I'm not regret! Not regret at all! Being weird is so much fun! If we're normal, we're nothing special, just like normal people! But if we walk in God's path, we're weird and SPECIAL! Do you get me? :D

  Today at school, wait, not only today, this week, we have to go to band room to practice. There's a boy that older than me only ONE YEAR! He, always bully me. The bully is not take my lunch money or beat me or something. He's bully is always scold me, sometimes smack my face (no pain, dun worry!) and sometimes insult me! But then I read 'WEIRD' I'm no more fight back. Every time I will like fight back, talk back or something, but this time I didn't! My friend said, 'Walao mk.. Why you like this already? Not like you la. Very WEIRD.' SEE! This word 'WEIRD' is in and out from normal's people's mouth! I'm not surprise anymore! Because I've already know the differences! I though we Christian are normal but I was wrong! The normal is the people around us but God and God's people are weird !

  Last time, I think Christian have no freedom at all. Because they have to go to celebration every Saturday and I'm like 'WHAT? Take away my freedom on Saturday night? No way!' But after I involve in the ministry, it's a NO! It's so much fun then wasting money on unless stuff, on thing that will never satisfy each one of us. Why not we use the money on the Lord? Expand His kingdom! Many weird people will be rising up! Many new generations will be rising up! PRAISE THE LORD! Really hope people would surrender their life to God :) Well, this is not the hard part, the question is, what am I going to do about it? And what are you going to do about it? Are you willing? :)

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