Thursday, February 23, 2012

  I'm only 16 this year and I'm already a mother .. Well, to make the short story long, it all have to start from the day I .......... What are you thinking? I'm talking about my baby cat, Connie.

  Few months ago she was pregnant. I know who's the one that makes her pregnant. *I'M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DON'T RESPONSIBLE !!* Few months later, we observed that her tummy is getting bigger. Well, of course the first thought of me and my family is 'Oh my! We gonna have baby kittens' and my mum wasn't happy about it because she have to spend money on kittens instead of her stuff.

  Yesterday night, Connie went outside and never came home for a night. We thought that maybe she wanna find a place to give birth. I'm super duper concerned about her :( I even prayed that God will protect ..

  My mum said they found her today under the Christmas tree. When I came back home, I saw Connie's eyes were open wide like this O.O .. And I saw her butt had something black and I was super nervous so I come down from my car and straight away open the cage to let her come out. She went under the Christmas tree again and laid down. We thought she's gonna give birth today.

  When I was watch 'Slumdog Millionaire' , my mum shouted from the ground floor, said, 'Michelle! We have to get Connie to the vet. I think she can't stand the pain anymore and she's gonna give birth very soon!' Wow.. My mum was so nervous and she makes me nervous too. So we when to the vet, the person said the block thingy is the hands of a kitten. I'm like *WHATA FLUFF??* From that moment onwards, I'm super worry for Connie.

  Then we brought her to the animal clinic and she had a quick scan. The doctor said the one that it's hands come out had dead. My heart was in pain that moment :(

  This is a life-time-experience. I watched the doctor operates Connie's tummy. I'm like WOW she was like Wow and I was like wow .. Haha I'm just try fooling around. Okay, back to the story. The first one that the doctor get out was the weakest one. But the great news is SHE'S ALIVE!! #PraiseGod. Then the second one, is the one who stuck, it's dead

Three saved kittens 

The unlucky one

Connie's Operation

Brown and Middle black : Healthy boys
The front one: Weakest, three legs only

  The doctor said I have to prepare my heart because the weakest one may not last long. My heart was in pain

  I still praise God that both the boys are healthy and active. Both lives was saved 


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