Sunday, October 02, 2011



  Gowsh ! Three exams coming right up and I don't even scare ! Gowsh ! Is this how should I act ? @@ Obviously not >< Hahaha Okay .. I don't like exam .. Government is just making the world end earlier ! They're wasting the paper and they have to print hundreds, thousands, millions or BILLIONS of paper for ALL PMR-ers .. That super MONSTERIC scary @@ ..

  Oh well .. I didn't really get to interact with my books @@ Seriously .. Camilla keep on say 'Michelle, why are you so steady ?' I'm like 'What what? Oh okay O.o' Okay that's not my point .. My point is .. I DIDN'T STUDY AT ALL ! What am I thinking ? Fun? Holiday? That's too fast >< .. You know a lot of people says 'Appreciates school life.. Trust me :) ' I'm like 'SCHOOL LIFE? It's like living in dungeon SERIOUSLY ! I love to go school not because of studies, is because of my friends :D Get to have fellowship with them, chit-chat with them .. I love sosial-ing with people :) But I'm a lil shy sometimes ><

  You know .. I hate temptations >< A lot of distraction keep on distracting me from my books T.T .. Outing with youths ♥, hang-out with them, having fun with them ♥ That's what I want ! I really love, enjoy being with them .. They're my family :') But URGG !! Major Exams !! I hate you PAPER ! :'(



Alicia said...

Do what you need to do, and you'll get to do what you want ;) Obedience is the first step, that's why it's so hard. You can do it MK <3

Kimberly Pang said...

You can do it! You can overcome your temptations de! :D

Michelle ♥ said...

Thanks guys :')

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