Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's too early to give up !

Dear blogspot, I'm quite confused of what to use because Tumblr is also same like you but just a little different. But yeah, that not the point of my blog today :/

   I've been playing guitar like almost one or half years, I really fell in love with guitar  But did I mention I'm a person who easily give up? If no, YES!, I give up easily but the funny thing is, I love to win and I hate losing. So, it's kinda confused, yea I know. As I was saying, yeah, I love guitar, I always have that passion to play my guitar and I really hope to serve God with guitar as well. 

  I never though that God will use me to play the guitar. If I didn't join Eklektos' youth camp, I will NEVER have the chance to TOUCH a guitar. Seriously. That particular day, I suddenly wanna know more about guitar.  I asked Melvin to teach me, asked a lot of people who knows how to play guitar to teach me some basic chords. And another particular day, my brother suddenly wants a guitar. Is this a sign from You, God? Then next week, me and my mum went to Hollywood to buy Madelyn ( That's my guitar's name ). 

  And now, I'm serving in cell group playing my guitar ! :D Even though I'm still a noob :/ I asked Jeson to teach me and here comes the point. I'm the worst student ( actually there only me and Jeson Kok ) in Jeson Huang's guitar lesson. I felt so NOOB! I almost wanted to GIVE UP. And I almost swear @@ .. It means it almost turned into a DANGER SITUATION ! 

  I felt so bad at that moment. But there's a voice keep telling me "It's too early to give up!" Then I keep telling myself STOP being emo and sit there crying over my noob guitar skills but STAND UP and move forward to keep trying keep trying and trust God ! Yeah, It's really too early. Back home, I fell the passion for guitar again. 

  There's time when the sun will goes down, but it doesn't mean that's the time for you to give up. But it's time when God is testing your faith toward something that is going to change your life again! God is testing your faith! Don't give up. It may seems impossible, but that is just the right size for God. So let's not worry about anything but leave everything to God. He's taking control of your life right now.


Monday, March 19, 2012


WOW! That Saturday night was super weird. I think worship is kinda good, but when It turns to sharing, even "better" ..

  Don't really understand why people ain't that productive that night. When Calvin is sharing, the atmosphere was super quite and cold! I can even hear a pin drop. I can already felt the atmosphere is getting worse and worse.

  When we have to read bible verse together, we ain't loud and tidy. Gosh! I kept on shout a bit. But people ain't get it >< God, please forgive us :(

  Bad things happened, I'm not gonna say it here >< I know I say half don't continue half but, better don't repeat those bad thing, but we need to learn from it :)

  Mistakes happen because you're not being sharp. Being sharp is the MAIN ingredients we need to have being in the worship team. Worship team has to bring people to God, lead people to worship the Lord. I know nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. But still, you HAVE TO BE SHARP! I learnt a lot.

  Calvin said something really touches my heart. We have to know what's next. We can do more than that, we can do better than that, we just have to trust God and improve ourselves! We can do it!

  Lizzie said something true. We must improve ourselves. When we learnt something new, don't stay on that comfort zone, don't think when you know, for example, four new chords, then next week still use that four chords. You have to move out from your comfort zone and be uncomfortable again. Learn new stuff! And I learnt, ATTITUDE towards something is also very important. If you yourself don't carry a good attitude in worship team, people can't feel the feel to worship the Lord.

  I don't really know what I cried that moment, I just think we can do better than that :( but,

Calvin, if you're reading this, sorry that my mum was being unexpected! >< I also don't know she'll come down from the car to spy me >< Sorry to make you feel awkward >< I'm sorry!

  Well, people learn. But the question is, are you going to move forward, or stay in that same position you've already feel comfortable with?


Saturday, March 10, 2012


  Yesterday night was the RPM Overdrive ! We stayed up 12 HOURS to just pray for miracles to happen ! All of us never thought we can stayed up 12 hours to not sleep. Some of us did rest. I did too. For 2 hours. I felt quite ashamed that I missed out one slot of prayers. I felt really bad :(

  At first the open worship is super strong. I can feel that presence of God! He's working within us! Then the most challenging part is 2am - 4am. Super tired you know? We kept on praying for miracles to happen! SUN STAND STILL!

  I'm really thank Steven Furtick! He gave us this inspiration, he gave us this longing to see miracles happen in our life. Nothing is impossible for God. We must believe the God of impossible! He will do miracles in our life like what He promised Joshua in the book of Joshua. He promised Joshua and He really did makes the Sun Stand Still!

  SUN STAND STILL. You know our church had form one basketball team. The background story is, Jordan Quek was a Kian Kok A Team basketball player. You know Kian Kok basketball A Team is super good? But he chose to be with God. He QUIT the basketball team and serve in youth ministry to be committed. He's coach BEG him to come back to the team but e chose to stay with God. Then he formed a basketball team in our youth called 'SUN STAND STILL' XD Hahahaha awesome ey? Thanks Steven Furtick! :D We participated in the Spritzer cup basketball competition 16 years old below. 

  The first match, Triple S vs CAL. Many of the people came to support. The hall was full of our SUN STAND STILL cheering voice. "SUN.. STAND STILL! SUN.. STAND STILL! SUN.. STAND STILL" Even though we lose, but we still never give up hope on God that miracles will happen. We prayed before and after the competition :)

Feb 24 : SUN STAND STILL vs CAL                      : 27 - 56
Feb 25 : SUN STAND STILL vs Shan Tao B Team  : 21 - 70

  Here comes the time when Sun really Stand Still !!

Feb 26 : SUN STAND STILL vs Lok Yuk B Team   : 24 - 20 
Feb 28 : SUN STAND STILL vs Kian Kok D Team : 56 - 20

  You know what? The person who in charge of counting the time, is Jordan's coach. HE IS SO MEAN! Usually when the refree is holding the ball, the time must stop. But he didn't! That makes us lesser time. He wanted Jordan to come back. This is sacrifice for God! We should set Jordan as an example of true worshipper of Christ :) Our team members are people who don't know how to play basketball, they only practiced 3 and above weeks then straight on stage to compete with others. At least we won two matches! SUN STAND STILL REALLY HAPPENED :D

If you're not DARING TO BELIEVE GOD for the impossible, you may be SLEEPING THROUGH some of the BEST PARTS of your Christian life
-Steven Furtick


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