Monday, March 19, 2012


WOW! That Saturday night was super weird. I think worship is kinda good, but when It turns to sharing, even "better" ..

  Don't really understand why people ain't that productive that night. When Calvin is sharing, the atmosphere was super quite and cold! I can even hear a pin drop. I can already felt the atmosphere is getting worse and worse.

  When we have to read bible verse together, we ain't loud and tidy. Gosh! I kept on shout a bit. But people ain't get it >< God, please forgive us :(

  Bad things happened, I'm not gonna say it here >< I know I say half don't continue half but, better don't repeat those bad thing, but we need to learn from it :)

  Mistakes happen because you're not being sharp. Being sharp is the MAIN ingredients we need to have being in the worship team. Worship team has to bring people to God, lead people to worship the Lord. I know nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. But still, you HAVE TO BE SHARP! I learnt a lot.

  Calvin said something really touches my heart. We have to know what's next. We can do more than that, we can do better than that, we just have to trust God and improve ourselves! We can do it!

  Lizzie said something true. We must improve ourselves. When we learnt something new, don't stay on that comfort zone, don't think when you know, for example, four new chords, then next week still use that four chords. You have to move out from your comfort zone and be uncomfortable again. Learn new stuff! And I learnt, ATTITUDE towards something is also very important. If you yourself don't carry a good attitude in worship team, people can't feel the feel to worship the Lord.

  I don't really know what I cried that moment, I just think we can do better than that :( but,

Calvin, if you're reading this, sorry that my mum was being unexpected! >< I also don't know she'll come down from the car to spy me >< Sorry to make you feel awkward >< I'm sorry!

  Well, people learn. But the question is, are you going to move forward, or stay in that same position you've already feel comfortable with?



Anonymous said...

to get out from our comfort zone is never easy and people dislike changes. keep pressing forward! u can do it.

Michelle ♥ said...

Thanks Emman! :D

Lizzie Stories said...

Lolz.. Just read this post XD I forgot to ask, why u cried oh that night? haha

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