Saturday, March 31, 2012

It's too early to give up !

Dear blogspot, I'm quite confused of what to use because Tumblr is also same like you but just a little different. But yeah, that not the point of my blog today :/

   I've been playing guitar like almost one or half years, I really fell in love with guitar  But did I mention I'm a person who easily give up? If no, YES!, I give up easily but the funny thing is, I love to win and I hate losing. So, it's kinda confused, yea I know. As I was saying, yeah, I love guitar, I always have that passion to play my guitar and I really hope to serve God with guitar as well. 

  I never though that God will use me to play the guitar. If I didn't join Eklektos' youth camp, I will NEVER have the chance to TOUCH a guitar. Seriously. That particular day, I suddenly wanna know more about guitar.  I asked Melvin to teach me, asked a lot of people who knows how to play guitar to teach me some basic chords. And another particular day, my brother suddenly wants a guitar. Is this a sign from You, God? Then next week, me and my mum went to Hollywood to buy Madelyn ( That's my guitar's name ). 

  And now, I'm serving in cell group playing my guitar ! :D Even though I'm still a noob :/ I asked Jeson to teach me and here comes the point. I'm the worst student ( actually there only me and Jeson Kok ) in Jeson Huang's guitar lesson. I felt so NOOB! I almost wanted to GIVE UP. And I almost swear @@ .. It means it almost turned into a DANGER SITUATION ! 

  I felt so bad at that moment. But there's a voice keep telling me "It's too early to give up!" Then I keep telling myself STOP being emo and sit there crying over my noob guitar skills but STAND UP and move forward to keep trying keep trying and trust God ! Yeah, It's really too early. Back home, I fell the passion for guitar again. 

  There's time when the sun will goes down, but it doesn't mean that's the time for you to give up. But it's time when God is testing your faith toward something that is going to change your life again! God is testing your faith! Don't give up. It may seems impossible, but that is just the right size for God. So let's not worry about anything but leave everything to God. He's taking control of your life right now.


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